Explore some of my key projects and their features.

JARS Rover
A rover built on top of GalaxyRVR, which is controlled remotely by Arduino, ESP32 & Google Firebase
By: Jash Shah
Air Quality Detector
Designed a portable air quality device with Leaflet, integrating interactive maps to display real-time air quality data points.
By: Jash Shah & Peter Pacholarz
Tonito Pet Feeder
Developed an Arduino-based Automatic Pet Feeder with features like time based despensing, RFID pet detection & storage indicators
By: Jash Shah, Sebastian Tovar & Stephen Tinobu
Created a To-Do list mobile app in flutter to track tasks daily. Developed JARS (Jash's Automated Response System) to help answer questions in the To-Do list.
By: Jash Shah